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ON/OFF - Futasu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi (26.7MB, PSP/Quicktime format) It's been a while since I last heard this song but in general, it's still okay. Having said that, I realized now that part of the reason the song works so well is because it was accompanied by the opening scenes from Vampire Knight. On its own, the song is still pleasant to listen to but the lyrics don't feel as appropriate as it was when it was paired together with the OP scenes. The PV itself is okay but nothing to write home about. It's kind of nice of the singer to make references to Vampire Knight by using chains, red threads, and twin brothers (the singers themselves). But again, I feel some kind of disconnection between the song and the images in the PVs. I kind of miss the scenes where Shiki unleashes out his blood whip and when Zero offers his hand to Yuuki. Those and many other scenes in the OP makes the song a lot more meaningful.
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