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This is a return to the usual fun episodes that comes after 3 or 4 serious ones. As usual, I actually prefer this kind of episode since it's usually when the writers excel at their game. Plus, they can still insert some surprising moments in between so as far as I'm concerned, this kind of episode is a win-win situation. Anyway, this episode marks the return of a character that I thought was dead a long time ago. What I'm surprised is that some people actually already know about it way in advance even before the second series went on air. Maybe I just don't bother to keep up with all of the spoilers but the first season's finale kind of gave the impression that she bit it big time. Come to think of it, I noticed that the second season doesn't really give Lelouch too many new opponents. Gino and Anya are supposed to be his new enemies but they don't pose much of a treat due to their personalities. Although after what Anya discovers in this episode, I wonder if she'll become a bigger problem for Lelouch.
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