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As stated above. It's a nice little window into the mind of the author of the wildly popular Zero no Tsukaima Novels, probably to mark the start of Season 3.I LIKE HOW HE THINKS.Apparently he draws some inspiration from the novels "The Three Musketeers" and other fantasy writings.Personally I loved "The Three Musketeers". I remember the days I used to read it and sound off "All for one, one for all!". A heartwarming tale of friendship and inseperable comrades.That was years ago though. Ah, good times.Still, The Three Musketeers had something a tad lacking that Zero no Tsukaima fills the void (no pun intended) in.Fanservice, Pantsu and delicious caek Flat Chest. ^_^;[[From 2NN]]
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