Moon Phase Diary updates with the news this evening that according to the October '08 issue of Shounen Ace (on sale August 25th), two new short-episode anime series are being produced simultaneously for broadcast on the YouTube Kadokawa Channel: "Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu" (based on the Haruhi spinoff manga by the same name) and "Nyoro~n Churuya-san" (based on the popular doujin 4-panel comic by Eretto). The Moon Phase author speculates that these may be a stopgap measure to placate ravenous hordes of Haruhi fans hungry for solid news of a sequel to the original TV series, but I for one welcome our chibi webcast overlords. I hope they give them voices... We'll keep an eye out for further news on this over the coming weeks. (no more)
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