Recent Updates
Haruhi-chan, Churuya-san anime series announced
Daiki Kougyou launches hug pillow line
Tech Arts omnibus teaser
Volks’ Masou Shizuka, Nanbu Kaguya prototypes unveiled
Fullmetal Alchemist second TV anime series announced
Tsuruya-san Figma preorder open
Minamoto Chizuru oppai mousepad unveiled
Alter announces Odin Sphere’s Gwendolyn, Saber reissue
Urushihara Satoshi’s “Comiket Girl” preorder open
Taki’s Minamoto Chizuru preorder open
Kotobukiya’s Shining Wind Ryuuna, other reissues
Figure Review: Daiki Kougyou’s Seyada Tara
Clayz’s Tama-nee, Sasara preorders open
Catching Up: Dakimakura
Goodsmile presents Unity Yuuno
Editor’s Desk: World of Lifecraft
Nothing to see below the fold this time around; I'm still playing catchup, but should be back in the regular pattern of Mainichi updates within the next few days. It's good to be back in action! (no more)
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