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There is actually an interesting underlying issue that this series could have explored a bit more but the chances that it can do that now is pretty slim since we only have two more episodes left. And knowing the writers, they'll probably prefer more fight scenes than insightful commentary on the state of humanity. The show also seems to have lost some steam when it comes to delivering surprises, which is unfortunate because that's what they do best in this one. The sudden death of Cornelia, for example, feels like a footnote than a major event. I also think that the writers have changed her motivation ever since season one but never really gave the viewers a glimpse as to what changed her mind. It's easily assume that Euphemia's death affected her to do this but I kind of want to know how she got from that point to the point where she is now. I also kind of wish that she found out that her role model, Marianne, turns out to be a loon, just to see her reaction.
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