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In this episode, Nunnally tries to smoke some bong but fails miserably when said bong got knocked out of her hands. She spends the majority of the episode on the ground looking for the bong. There's a lesson here: doing drugs does not pay. One has to admire Sunrise for being able to include an anti-drug message on top of the political shenanigans that this show has on offers. We also find out that not only Cornelia didn't die on last week's episode, she finds herself wake up next to dark-haired Guilford. Guilford is a proof that you can survive a nuclear warhead barely unscathed. One would think that Guilford should at least look like Two-Face by now but apart from his eyes (which will probably heal in the final episode), his skin is perfectly fine. So next time there's a warhead coming your way, according to Sunrise you'll be a-okay. Another important lesson that Sunrise teach us is that if you hate your brother, don't kill him. Instead, make him your bitch. And oh, Diethard dies like a nobody that he is while Kanon looks like he's been raped by someone whose name is not Schneizel.
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