Sorry for the Math Terminology!
Really, I think it's better to say that my interest in this Anime is sinusoidal. What I mean is that it's comedic moments are sinusoidal. Sorry for using mathematical terminology here, but it's the best way to describe my feelings for it. For example, I was really laughing hard on the first episode, but it was less funny in the second. On later episodes, I wasn't laughing or anything for the first 10 minutes, then laughed for 5 or so, and then silent for the rest. It's repetition of comedy just gets old (for example, the repetitious "I AM IN DESPAIR!!!" moments). It gets too oblivious to really laugh at, like what psgels said. I was really hoping for some more action with Pink Supervisor and Hikikomori (as she IS cute and such), but that didn't happen at all.
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