Synopsis: Quates instructs Ennis to find the men who took the bottles of medicine from Barnes, Firo joins the camorra, and the Rail Tracer comes.
In 1931, in a dark alley, Jacuzzi Splot is being surrounded by gangsters with guns. Frightened, Jacuzzi tells the men that they can settle things in a peaceful manner. He asks the men that they lower their guns. He tells them that he doesn't have money with him. Eventually, Jacuzzi cries. The men are surprised. They wonder if he really is the one in the wanted poster. There's no doubt about it but they think Jacuzzi is too pathetic. A man tells Jacuzzi to stop crying. He says he isn't crying but he cries some more. The man grabs Jacuzzi by the collar and orders him to tell his name otherwise they will put a hole in his head. Jacuzzi does so.
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