Synopsis: Dallas asks the Gandors to help him exact his revenge on Firo but is denied, Eve is kidnapped by Gustavo, and Ennis finds Dallas.
Nicholas and Elean, the guy who attended to Eve, are in the director's office. Word of how Nicholas appeased Gustavo by telling him of Dallas' sister has reached the director. He doesn't seem pleased. Nicholas explains that he was threatened and Gustavo Bagetta's power would be too much for him. Afraid that he'd be killed, Nicholas says he accidentally told Gustavo of Eve (It didn't look accidental to me though). Elean tells Nicholas that it's no reason to say things that would put Eve in danger. Nicholas says he understands that it's no excuse. He says he has taken the proper measures. The director tells him that even if he thinks his life may be in danger, he doesn't agree with the idea of using the little girl to get out of the situation. He says, like Elean, he can't sympathize with Nicholas. He then tells Nicholas to take...
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