The story of calligrapher Seishuu Handa continues as he and his new island friends continue to make memories in the last days of summer.Read more...
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Yet another fantastic episode! This anime makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it’s so adorable! As we see once again, Handa is too focused on technique, correct form, and the fundamentals to [...]
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This episode illustrates how Seishuu, formerly the outsider, is steadily becoming “one of the gang,” someone both the adults and children of the village can trust and rely on. Rather than shun a city [...]
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I guess it isn't surprising, but watching Barakamon has roughly paralleled the stages of grief for me.Denial: "That premiere was really good. They changed a couple of things, but I'm sure it's [...]
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It’s an atypical beach episode in Barakamon as Handa-sensei takes a break, meets up with just about everyone, and heads to the sandy shores of the resort island for some fun and relaxation. Kind of. [...]
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「うんにおえぎいっ / 海に泳ぎに行く)」 (Un ni Oegii / Umi ni Oyogi ni Iku)
"Going Swimming At The Beach"
Each and every new episode of Barakamon is like a nice little treat that doesn't last nearly long [...]
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