I haven't laughed this hard since the Dollars episode xD Oh wait, they're also here, but most of the entertainment this time are provided by Mikado and, of course, Izaya. You think Izaya's only loved for being evil? He's also freakin' amusing ya know. Bwahahahha![ KIDA - CLICHE TALK ]Kida had been mentioning many of the manga/story cliches... he was being corny on his joke, as usual, but I love it that making Kida say those lines is like the author trying to tell us: "I know the stupid cliches, and they ain't happening in my story." I love you Ryhogo Narita xD[ KIDA - CAN'T KEEP MOUTH SHUT ]Kida, being the best friend, is the first to know Mikado's situation. He wasn't able to keep his mouth shut though, haha!Nah, I think he only did that because he wants to tease Mikado and nobody would believe it anyway, which happened. Hehe. You evil best friend you *hugs Kida*[ KIDA - GANGS ]Kida's expression change at the mention of known/influential gangs in the past (in other words, it was a SERIOUS face which is UNUSUAL xD), particularly the Yellow Scarves and the Blue Squares. It hints that he's involved with such groups, and spoilers confirm it. Hehe.I'm excited for those parts to get animated already *_*[ KIDA - DOLLARS HUNTING ]Kida spent his lunch period in asking around who are most likely Dollars members. He got a lot of votes himself but he also mentioned anyone can vote more than once.... I suspect he voted himself a lot. LOLzKida had a hunch that a certain schoolmate is a Dollars member. It tuns out that his gut feeling is right. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HUNCHES OR GUT FEELINGS NO MATTER HOW RIDICULOUS OR SUDDEN THEY ARE xD[ A DOLLARS MEMBER ]There had been punks that claim to be Dollars members. But I guess from this episode (and episode 6), we can conclude that the way to identify a real Dollars member is if he/she received an invitation to join the group saying that there are no rules and such. Another I guess is that they're not bragging about their membership to beat up people.[ TOGUSA - DON'T SCRATCH HIS CAR ](Dotachin's reaction xD)Speaking of Dollars, we see the other Dollars fellas again in this episode (the otaku couple are talking about otaku stuff as usual) and OMG Togusa was freakin' hilarious when he got so furious that a pebble had hit his car to the point that he'll chase after the van that did it. Bwahahahaha! It's classic comedy, but still funny~[ SELTY - DON'T HIT THE HORSE ]Selty's horse is being hit by a certain someone as well. Bad Izaya xD So cute that Selty scolded him for it~Much cuter that he really behaved when she told him to stop xD Haha.Don't do it again dear. It's bad to hit horsies. Bad. *loves horses*[ LOLz LIARS ](LOLz)Mikado is epic fail in lying. He's toooo obvious xD But it appears that he's good in lying if he needs to hide something really big and serious....As for Selty, she also lies but if an epic fail liar has seen through her, that makes her even more epic fail. LOLzIzaya's a liar 24/7 though. Can't say he's the best liar because Selty can also tell if he's lying, especially if he claims to not know things that he obviously knows already. Hehe.[ IZAYA - PHONE ](He's obviously eavesdropping on them)We get to hear Izaya's ringing tone xD It doesn't seem to be an ordinary ringing tone... more like a part of a song. Anime sometimes uses OP/ED themes or image songs as their character's mobile ringing tones... I'm wishing Izaya's tone is either part of the new OP or ED (if ever there will be one) or his own image song xD Well, Kida already has his; and Shizuo will be having his, why can't he? xD[ IZAYA - BUSINESS WITH MIKADO ](the way Izaya looks at him is really perverted)Hmmm.... unlike what I expected from the preview.... Izaya and Selty aren't exactly working together to find Mikado. They have their own business with him. We knows Selty's.... but as for Izaya... maybe he just wants to know where Mikado lives to take his Mikado-stalking to the next level. LOLz! we don't know yet... but an informant dealing with dangerous stuff being interested in an ordinary high school student should mean something.[ IZAYA - TYPE ]Of course that girl can't be his type because he's pedo to Mikado. Bwahahahah xDHe says that he wants to make the girl his but she's not his type... Izaya, they don't connect xD How could you want to claim someone who isn't your type? Hahaha!But that corny flirting line ("I want to make you mine").... I think he could work well in a host club. LOLzBut hhhmmm.... maybe when he said "mine" doesn't exactly mean a "lover" but more of a "fangurl/follower/property". Hahahaha!!! That's more believable *really can't imagine Izaya in a romance other than with Namie.... it's just my shipper fantasy though*[ IZAYA - VROOOOM ]WORDS CANNOT FULLY DESCRIBE HOW CUTE AND AMUSING HE WAS WHEN HE WAS PRETENDING TO BE RIDING A MOTORBIKE WHILE FOLLOWING MIKADO WITH SELTY (who is on a bike) LOLz!!!!VROOOOOOOOOOOOOMHe's like a kid playing around. And he's 23 years old. LMAO![ IZAYA - BOUNCE ](KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!)Oh another of Izaya's kiddie acts xD HE WAS BOUNCING!!! Jumping joyfully on a punk who had his ass-face kicked by badass Selty.His laugh.... can't help myself from giggling with him xD Bwahahahahhaha![ IZAYA - GO HOME ]I'm happy that Izaya's not evil nor low enough to harm women.... at least not physically xDBut it's funny when he's treating bitches like they're some annoying kid or animal though. "GO HOME!" Bwahahhaha xDOh that pose.... xD haha![ PATHETIC BULLIES ]Oh bullies.... they'd wait patiently for their prey... and by prey it's the type that they think they can easily beat. Planning to beat up Mikado just because the one who ruined her phone just happened to have some connection with him. Ugh.So pathetic.... cowards even. They should get a life.[ MIKADO - ANRI AS STALKER SPECULATION ](This wasn't the "stalker" scene, but they look cute in that shot =3)Mikado's wild imaginations of Anri as a stalker made me chuckle so much xDWhat's more amusing was that he doesn't know if he should be bothered or delighted, since she's pretty anywayz, hahahahha!But it turns out that Anri was just kidding~ Well, it'll be so out of character of her is she turns out to be like Miwa. Haha![ MIKADO - ME? ]Ahahahaha.... it was cute xD He actually tried to move in different position and the finger's still pointed at him. Haha![ MIKADO - BELIEVING THE EXTRAORDINARY ](Oh his face xD SQUISHABLE!)Mikado finally gets to see what's behind Selty's head.... I expected him not to scream.... but to be amazed was just... WOW of him. I mean, he finds black smoke inside a helmet instead of a head cool xD Haha!So he finally gets to hear Selty's story.... and he believed every word of it. Can't say that he's being an idiot for easily believing this because... come on, he just saw someone headless xD But hhhmm... trusting someone that seems suspicious was pretty careless though.... ah well, this is better than wasting screentime of Mikado just doubting whether Selty's real or not ^^;[ MIKADO - NOT AS ORDINARY AS HE SEEMS ](FIERY COMPUTER MOUSE MOVING OF AWESOME)I'm so happy! It's already being hinted that Mikado isn't as normal as he appears, even if he's going all chicken and he doesn't seem to be the type who can defend himself from bullies or assaulters. (he got a "prince charming/knight in shining armor" and a badass supernatural chick for his defense anyway)You don't need to be capable of physical combat to be cool.We see him doing stuff on his computer and phone.... he also accessed the Dollars site. And he's supposed to be someone who has no idea (or not enough idea) on Dollars.It can't be that he's just an ordinary Dollars member... well, the series could begin with him telling us about an invitation he received. And we don't get to hear his thoughts on Dollars from what I remember, only from what he says. Which only leads to one thing: he's the founder/leader that's pretending to have no idea about it all along.Mikado... gang leader.... and he's starting to contact his members now from what I see.... awesome... AWESOME.He's not your typical pure pure boy~[ MIKADO - ASKS FOR IZAYA AND SELTY'S HELP ]Even those who did most of the ass kicking, Izaya and Selty, are becoming bewildered and impressed with Mikado. (Izaya: Jackpot!) I think they'll definitely be giving Mikado a hand... since Selty has sort of officially become Mikado's friend now.... and Izaya's fond of Mikado. LOLz Nah, okayz, maybe he's just interested to how things will go.[ IT'S ALL CONNECTED ]Back to the author, I really find it so amazing on how he manages to make so many unrelated things connected. Mikado's beginning to see them, and I think he had already seen the connection. Brilliant~There's actually some connection of the trio (Mikado, Izaya, and Selty) and the chatroom though.... hhhhmmm.... might be spoilery if I'll be specific.... but I think I already blurted out a huge hint, hehe.[ NEXT EPISODE ]More of the trio: Izaya, Selty, and Mikado.My goddess is there (don't give a damn about her brother anymore)Shizuo is throwing a motorcycle this time (LOLz the "KFC" poster)Simon's gonna show up too.How could next episode be not awesome? Hehehehe~CREDITS:~ Audio rips by dark_alone YAY THANKS xD I have new ringing tones!
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Episode: Durarara!! Episode 10