Synopsis: Masayuki invites Tarou and Makoto to go to the abandoned hospital near the dam, the very place where Tarou and his sister were kept eleven years ago.
Makoto is shown playing an electric guitar in his room. Meanwhile, his eccentric looking grandmother has a guest. She performs some sort of ritual.
Tarou is at Masayuki's house. He tries some virtual reality device that make's one feel as if flying. Mayasuki tells him that the head mounted device is equipped with a gyroscope, used to maintain orientation. Tarou finds it amazing. He asks if Masayuki plays with it a lot. Masayuki replies he doesn't. He says it's not so much a game compared to therapy. Tarou asks Masayuki if has a condition. Masayuki tells him he only has a small fear of heights. He thought he could get rid out it with virtual reality. Tarou then asks if it would be possible to cure it that way. Masayuki tells him it is, by intentionally experiencing the cause of the phobia. Tarou says he remember it's...
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