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The current ED to Gundam 00 is a song that's grown on me quite a bit since it started airing. My original reaction back when I first heard it in episode 15 was that I liked Prototype more, but after having listened to this quite a bit in the past several weeks, I think I now prefer trust you. I'll admit that I'm a sucker for ballads, but Itou Yuna has a very powerful voice, and this song also reverberates some of the themes and relationships in Gundam 00 quite well (particularly Saji and Louise). That's why I was quite excited to finally see the PV for it. The video has Itou Yuna looking very beautiful and singing the song in front of various backdrops, including a space one, and while it's probably nothing that you'd watch more than a few times unless you really love Itou Yuna, it's great to finally hear the full song. The single will be released in two weeks on March 4th, 2009.
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