[Posted @ 7:23 PM]\O/ in celebration of the KonoSetsu pactio kiss, I bring you, what else but a KonoSetsu doujinshi! This is just the script for Pages 2-14 [+ Cover] though, I'll continue Part 2 [Pages 15-26 + End Cover] next weekend perhaps?Thank Jessie/RotemChan for kicking my arse requesting this xD. Disclaimer:I DO NOT TRANSLATE STUFF FROM JAPANESE TO ENGLISH.only Mandarin to English.I DO NOT DRAW doujinshis, so I don't claim ANY credits for it. The author for this doujinshi is Raku-Gun and I'm just translating for those non-Japanese readers, so don't ban me for it =(. Credit: YamiboSource Link: [PFY工作室][NGM][刹木][楽玩]FEEL As usual, pardon me if there're any mistakes or whatever XD.'Feel' by Raku-Gun Script Part 1;Title: Negima! Fanbook #2 – ‘Feel’ Mangaka: Raku-GunMain Characters;- Sakurazaki Setsuna (Secchan)- Konoe Konoka (Ojou-sama, Kono-chan)- Negi Springfield- Kagurazaka Asuna- Konoe Kokoemon (Oji-chan)-... for sound effects (SFX) *...* for signs etc @...@ for small text or hand writing text ###... for long lines (Double bubbles) (...) for translator's notes or explanation _..._ for emphasizing (Bold, Italic letters...etc.) […] thoughts (Square boxes, fluffy bubbles) +...+ for Using Original Japanese Word {…} Translation of Original Japanese Word /Cover/Page 2[If I should say,]Asuna: Konoka?### She left in the morning already.@Speaking of which, Negi is gone as well.@[That my heart is pulsing,]### [My blood is circulating]Setsuna: … I see.Setsuna: Thank you very much.-TurnAsuna: Ah? Leaving already?Asuna: Why don’t you wait for a while? Perhaps they will be back by then. ### You are not busy, aren’t you?-Creak[And I am breathing---]-CloseAsuna: Setsuna-san?@Oi~@/Page 3[Just think, what made all of that possible?]Negi: Erm--- Konoka-san./Page 4Konoka: What is it, Negi-kun?Negi: I… Can I really do it? @This kind of thing …@ Konoka: Hm, you are right, if Oji-chan {Grandpa} finds out about this …### And if things go horribly wrong, there’s a possibility that Negi-kun will get fired from his job.Negi: !?Konoka: On top of that, you might get turned into an ermine. Negi: !!?Konoka: Ahaha, I am just joking.### It wouldn’t happen, don’t worry about it. Konoka: In any case, I am the one who involved Negi-kun in this …Konoka: It is not his fault, ### … … Even though we did such a thing. /Page 5Konoka: Please forgive Negi-kun,## Secchan. -FlinchSetsuna: The Headmaster is looking for you,### Ojou-sama. {Mistress} Negi: Setsuna … -san.Konoka: Ah~Ah~ such a pity.Konoka: The free time I have been trying to hold on is gone just like that.@To think I was musing that it was rare that you didn’t come.@ /Page 6Konoka: Well then, Negi-kun, thank you for your hard work,### Dismissed!!-FlickNegi: Eh, just like that!?Konoka: There’s nothing we can do, it is impossible for us to escape now. ### It was because of my own willfulness that I dragged you into accompanying me, for that, I thank you. Negi: What do you mean by your own willfulness, Konoka-san---Setsuna: Ojou-sama.Setsuna: Please make haste. Negi: Se-Setsuna-san, you too!### You knew Konoka-san hates Omiai--- {Japanese Arranged Marriage}-Point/Page 7Negi: Isn’t … it …### Um, Eh?Negi: … Er---m.Konoka: Oji-chan is getting angry?/Page 8Setsuna: No ... just that the other party has been waiting for a while,### So I was thinking that perhaps we should hurry …Konoka: Ah I see. Sorry to trouble you, Secchan.### After all, it is a rare holiday for you.Setsuna: It is okay, the reason for my existence is to wait upon you, Ojou-sama. ### No matter what kind of orders I am given, I am aware that it is all for Ojou-sama’s sake. Konoka: [… Really, she’s so stubborn.]/Page 9Konoka: … … … Konoka: For my sake … is it?Setsuna: ?Konoka: Secchan.### What do you wish for me to do?Setsuna: For you to do … is referring to?Konoka: Un--- to be specific, I am referring to something in the future. Konoka: Do you wish for me to obtain happiness?Setsuna: Of course./Page 10Konoka: Even if it is given to me to by someone else,### Even if it is not what I considered to be happiness?Konoka: My own happiness,### I wish to choose it for myself. /Page 11Setsuna: --- ISetsuna: As long as Ojou-sama obtains happiness,### I will be content as well. Konoka: Therefore---Setsuna: After that,/Page 12Setsuna: I will be Ojou-sama’s shadow and continue to protect you until my dying days. That is my duty.-StepSetsuna: We should go soon,### Ojou-sama. /Page 13-SqueezeKonoka: … No, it is not that … -Grab/Page 14-TapKonoka: --- In other words,-SmileKonoka: If I don’t say anything you would assume that I have given up?Setsuna: Eh?Konoka: There is a loophole, Secchan.Setsuna: !?- End of Negima! Doujinshi #2 - Feel Part 1 Script -I just love cliffhangers, don't you? =P[Signing off @ 7:27 PM]
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