Synopsis: Sawaki Tadayasu, a guy who can see microbes, goes into an agricultural university. What sights await him there?
I know this is late but oh well, as they say, better late than never. Was supposed to blog about Moyashimon earlier but wasn't able to due to technical difficulties. I tried to blog from the raws but my translations were a complete hit-or-miss.
Anyway, two old men are talking. One of them, Sawaki, says that it's their grandsons' first day at a university in Tokyo. The other one, Yuuki, says there's nothing to be happy about it. He says He wonders what things his grandson will see there. Yuuki says that Sawaki's grandson used to mention seeing microbes. He asks if Sawaki believes in it. Sawaki replies that if he doesn't believe his own grandson, who will? He says he saw the young Tadayasu playing with unseen things in the garage.
[ This is only an excerpt for the post! Go the the website for the full content + pictures + links. ]
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