I wasn't so sure whether to do an episodic review on OreImo but thought that I might as well do it since I'm gonna write shit about it in my diary anyway. So here it is my thoughts on episode 5 of OreImo even if I'm several days behind the blogsphere hype.I already know that I will have a lot to rant about when I saw how Kirino treated her anime friends and forced Kousuke to yet again cover for her in front of Ayase. Dude, if you can't be honest with your bestfriend, than she's not your bestfriend!Maybe because I have always been honest with who I am and what I'm obsessed with or things that I hate so when I saw Kirino being a hypocrite bitch, naturally I was raging. I think that is a poor excuse to be a bitch.Serves her right that her bestfriend apparently a psychopath. The weather conviniently matched the drama that unfolded.If by any chance that Kirino going to blame Kyousuke for what happened because he was the one who suggested the Comiket, I'm so gonna butchered her. But even she doesn't do that, she does this:and this:Oh fuck!Of course she'll be emo about it. It just fits her role of being the cute little sister. This is getting old indeed. So since Kyousuke still wants to help her out despite that his weaner can no longer be used, he called up Ayase.Ayase then proceeded as to why she can't have Kirino as her best friend anymore. She was influenced by the media and the public perspective. To her anime is like a disease that slowly corrupting the brain of Japanese people. LOL she isn't wrong either, is she? I think I have become an even more lewd person because of anime influence but hey, my hobby doesn't harm other people, so what is it to you?But if an animetard became a pedo in real life and electrocuted a girl, that would totally be a valid accusation.So what Ayase is saying that she's in fact looking out after Kirino. Pfft they truly deserved each other. Having said that, I understand why Kirino chose her hobby instead of her bestfriend. In this sense, I guess I am lucky that my bestfriend and my friends have no problem with who I am as a person, even after they know of my hobby and obsession. They don't have to like it but they just have to understand that I like it and be okay with it. Isn't that what friendship is all about? There is no boundary or limitation. These two need to learn that life lesson which I'm sure Kyousuke will try his best to teach them.Or he just asked his dad for help. That could work too, I guess *facepalm*Urgh.. that was tactless.Oh well, I think Kirino kinda redeemed herself towards the end of the episode. That's the right attitude that she should have since the beginning. Better late than never. She's lucky that the psychopath happens to be a lesbian who happens to be in love with her XDHow nice...And here I thought that was it but nope Ayase still being a bitch about the hobby. So what did Kyousuke do? I was hit with another unexpected twist.Yeah... WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WAS THAT? o_OThat was fucking gross. If I was Ayase, I would have reported him to the police.
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