Flashback! Flashback Episode!!! Quick Summary: From the previous episode, the captured Zakuro is wandering around an unfamilar place, when she comes across her mother, Tsukuhane. The moment Zakuro touches her hand, a flood of memories come out, allowing Zakuro to see her mother’s memories that she never knew about. Meanwhile, at Spirit Affairs, Kushimatsu about [...]
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So we find out a lot of things in this episode. so we start off with Zakuro’s mom as it seems Zakuro runs into her and is taken back and seen her memories. Turns out her name was Lady Tsukuhane, and...
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This is the episode in which the creators decide to reveal the past, and what happened to Zakuro’s mother. It’s pretty much the episode that explains it all, right before the final climax of this series. And with this episode, this series got even more solid than it already was.
This episode was both very [...]
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The past, a tragic love story and Agemaki is left out Herro-erro~ Been a little busy this past week spending time with my brother whom I haven’t seen in two years. Unfortunately not that much exciting has happened. I just finished dozing on/off for 4 hours while watching my two brothers play WoW. On another [...]
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