Short Summary:
After Kotonoha has slapped Sekai she begs her to keep away from Makoto. The next day Sekai is absent from school and Katsura asks Itou to go home together, but Setsuna tells her he's got school festival committee work to do and forces Itou to come with her. When they are alone she asks for his feelings. Makoto admits he first liked Katsura, but feels more safe and calm with Sekai now. Setsuna is content with that answer and tells him to go to Sekai's apartement. When he is there Sekai reacts a bit reserved, but he's kissing her rudley and they kind of make up. Sekai comes to school again and acts like everything is okay, but she can't forget Katsura begged her to keep her hands off Makoto. Finally it's time for the school festival and everything turns into a weired something with lots of little sisters and zombies *no comment* In the end Makoto ends up cleaning with Setsuna, who breaks the fact to Makoto she's going to move to France after the festival and she wants him to take care of Sekai. Then she remebers a scene from the past, when Makoto "saved" her from some rude pupils (he actually only talked to her, when she cried and promised to look after her, but she refuses and wants to do everything on her own). Later on the work is finished and Itou sleeps in the classroom. Setsuna wants to make a memory for herself before she leaves to France and kisses the sleeping Makoto. That moment Kotonoha enters the classroom and stares at the two. She can't believe what she sees, now that she has more or less offered Makoto her body when they met in the train a day ago.
My opinion:
Okaaayyy...this episode hasn't been the best so far. After the drama that stupid little siters/zombie scene was out of place and I could not laugh, but felt nerved instead of enjoing the sudden humour. Also Makoto was shown from another side, or at least I felt like they wanted him to look a bit better again. They gave a plausible explenation why Setsuna would like him, still she knows he cheated on his girlfriend. Something like this scars a man in my eyes. I had not expected another girl to enter the ring. Above all I thought Setsuna would have feelings for Sekai.
I wonder how Katsura is going to react to this event. I already can't believe she offered her body to Makoto, what is this girl doing only to keep that idiot??? It's obvious he's only lusting after her. Oh I could slap him *arghmpfgrml*
Screenshots are taken fom Random Curiosity
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