The anime opens as detectives find a man’s body in the courtyard surrounded by dilapidated abandoned buildings. Then we see Fumika dressed as a postal worker, land on a rooftop enfolding her wings, her staff named Mayama, complains that Humans are a bother and should just say what they need to say before they die. But Fumika corrects it saying that some things can only be said after death. The scene shifts to a deserted bowling alley, Kanaka is constructing a rocket while Ayase makes fun of his writing as she sits and reads his notebook. Kanaka is about to confess to her when she receives a call, her father has been found dead. He waits for her at the police station but the police are taking Ayase back to her home so Kanaka goes back to work on his rocket. When he get’s back to the bowling alley Fumika and Mayama appear before him, informing him that they have a letter from Ayase’s father addressed to Ayase’s lover.This anime is based on a series of light novels by Ryo Amamiya three volumes have been released so far. I liked this first episode very much, so many shows take a few episodes before they grab my imagination but this one had me hooked after the first ten minutes and by the end of the episode I’m already looking forward to the next. The story seems almost slice of life, horror, with a death god which we’ve seen a lot of in recent anime, Bleach, Death Note and Shinigami no Ballad. Mayama the talking staff adds a touch of comedy. I must say when it’s my time to go I hope I’m escorted off by Rukia, Momo or Fumika and not Rem. If the story quality stays as good as this episode I’m sure I’ll stick around for the rest of this series.Download the English fansub bit torrent file here.
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