Last week on Space Dandy, Dandy and his crew fought back the Deathgerian in an attempt to get their lost Boobies card back. Summary of Space Dandy Episode 4: After capturing a strange alien, the crew [...]
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「死んでも死にきれない時もあるじゃんよ」 (Shindemo shi ni kirenai toki mo aru jan yo)
"Sometimes You Can't Live With Dying, Baby"
Four weeks in, some trends are starting to emerge with Space Dandy.
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Four weeks in, some trends are starting to emerge with Space Dandy.For those that care about such things, Space Dandy seems to have been better received in the U.S. than in Japan - which is not [...]
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The beauty of Space Dandy is we never have the slightest idea where it’s going to go, but we know it’s going to be good. That trend continues this week as the entire episode chronicles the systematic [...]
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It seems as if Dandy and company have landed themselves another jackpot, in the form of an alien that looks a lot like an known existing species but is still sufficiently different to surely by a [...]
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