Summary: The higher uppers reveal their Brilliant Plan: they will take out the Venezia hive with the firepower of a fully armed and controllable (for ten minutes anyway) Neuroified Yamato. The failure of this mission will mean abandoning Romagna to her fate and the disbandment of the 501st. Mio tries to perfect the True Reppuzan [...]
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It appears as though the last two episodes will have posts of their own, as, even after cutting all most of the irrelevant and/or offensive rambling, the final two episodic transcriptions ended up among the longest. But that’s alright. Any excuse for more blog content is a good excuse. Right?
The comments this time are a [...]
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Looks like we’ve taken a turn for the serious. A complete 180 degree turn from the light-hearted, fanservice-filled romp it once was.
Now…now it’s a miliaristic alternate-history sort of story peppered with tragedy, failed military experiments and coup d’etats.
Part of me died inside, yes. But the show MUST go on. We know this, cliche’d endings know [...]
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Strike Witches 11 Title: To The Sky
A little late with this one having to catch up with school work and other things.
Anime Impressions:
I really liked this episode where we get to see the Witches go home, a little sadden that their unit has been disbanded. for most part of the episode [...]
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