The few times where it’s somewhat more entertaining to look at a girl’s face rather than her breasts (REALLY stretching it though…)
First off, I’ve gotta hand it to the teams responsible for the OP and ED sequences; I actually didn’t realize they show little preview shots of the current episode during the OP (I didn’t [...]
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Summary (of sorts)
In attempt to head back to Kimlasca, Luke and Tear instead find themselves in Malkuth territory, thanks to them getting involved in a crossfire between a Malkuth warship and a band of thieves/bandits by the name of Black Wings.
It is at this time that we are introduced to Jade Curitiss, colonel of the [...]
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This episode, we get Jade, Anise, Ion… and most importantly, Cheagles. What are Cheagles? They are these small rodents with huge eyes and annoying voices. They also have a leader whose eyebrows has grown into another pair of ears. Actually, as much as I’m making it sound like I hate them, I actually [...]
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Oh god, Tear so moe~ wwwwwwwwwwwwww
Anyways, it seems MBS did a special back-to-back screening of TotA so episode 2 is already aired. The story continues with Tear realizing the carriage is headed the wrong way, so Luke and her stop at a small village while they look for a different way to head home. They [...]
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