Accelerator tries to rescue Last Order, while Touma, Vento and others are drawn towards something that's being summoned inside the city.
In a construction yard, Motoharu battles the glowing white figure that's putting up the spikes. The white figures sends spikes flying at Motoharu, but Motoharu manages to find and destroy the center spike that's anchoring the spell.
Touma: Hey I was thinking we could meet up and work together... and this... and that...Accelerator: Stop wasting my minutes damn it.
Meanwhile, a group of Hound Dogs arrive at the hospital to track down Accelerator. A phone starts ringing in the reception area, and the on the line is Heaven Canceler. The doctor advises the Hound Dogs to leave because Accelerator will slaughter them mercilessly, but the mercenaries don't listen and a little later they are all taken out by Accelerator. Accelerator then gets a phone call from Last Order's number, but on the line is Touma. The two don't recognize each other's voice. Touma reports that he lost Last Order at the restaurant and offers to help, but Accelerator doesn't want any help and lies to Touma that Last Order would go to a bridge to meet up.
Operation Building Toss is a failure.
At his office, Amata and his soldiers are wondering why people are fainting all over the place, and Amata gets an inkling that whatever Vento is doing isn't scientific in origin. With Last Order in his possession and prepped for summoning Hyoka, Amata decides to call Accelerator to taunt him, but during the phone call Accelerator figures out that Amata is not allowed to hurt Last Order likely because of some higher power within the Academy City, and this gives Accelerator more time and a direction for his search. Accelerator's first move is to send a building into Aleister's windowless skyscraper, but the skyscraper is protected by a force field. Inside the skyscraper, Aleister states that activating the AIM field to summon Hyoka causes magic users in the city to lose control of their powers if they attempt to use magic.
Meanwhile, Vento stumbles onto a bridge and wonders why she is coughing up blood. The bridge that Vento stumbles onto happens to be the bridge that Touma was told to go, and Touma runs into Vento once again. Vento tosses an energy ball at Touma which Touma dispels, but suddenly there is a bright flash and shockwave coming from the city center which prompts Vento to ditch Touma. Touma looks to the source of the flash and realizes an angel is being summoned. Touma then decides to call Accelerator to say that he has to go deal with the angel, but of course Accelerator never wanted any help anyways.
Hello, and goodbye.
In an underground parking lot, the Misakas have gathered with their submachineguns to plan a rescue mission for Last Order, but they are hindered by their programming. Meanwhile, Accelerator breaks into the residence of one of Academy City's board members. Accelerator kills the board member and goes through his computer and learns that Last Order is needed for Operation Angle and she has been implanted with a virus. Accelerator then tries to track down Last Order's location.
Ha, I was looking for an excuse to fire my railgun. Thanks :).
On a street within the city, Mikoto wonders what's going on with the lights in the sky when she sees Index running by and then Touma running up ahead. The three of them meet up and Touma leads the girls into an alley as he spots Hound Dogs nearby. Index tells Touma not to go near the lights as the angel that's been summoned is probably Hyoka, and Touma would destroy her if he touches her with his right hand. However, Touma states that he's going to save Hyoka and insists on going, and Mikoto agrees to stay behind to hold off the Hound Dogs. While running towards the source of the lights, Index explains that Vento's ability to make people lose consciousness is based on people's hate/dislike towards her, but when asked about Hyoka Index doesn't really know since Hyoka is not magical but scientific. Touma tries to call Komoe but Komoe doesn't pick up, so he calls Mikoto (who is still busy fighting the Hound Dogs) instead so Index can get some science knowledge.
Get your stinkin' hands off of my loli!!
Back in his office, Amata is somewhat impressed by the lights in the sky that Aleister's plan has conjured up. Suddenly, Accelerator swings in through the windows and takes out all of the soldiers in the room. After making sure Last Order is still alive, Accelerator gets ready to exact some payback against Amata.
I think I might have nightmares tonight after seeing that face.
Touma finally arrives at the source of the light which is coming from a crater inside a construction zone. At the source of the light is Hyoka who has an artificial halo over her head and looks like she is being strangled to death. Touma isn't sure what to do at this point, and he doesn't have much time to think as Vento arrives and declares she'll destroy both Touma and Hyoka.
This was an improvement over last week, and the story lines finally feel like that are building up to something significant. Sure, Touma spent the episode running around and not doing too much, and Accelerator was once again offing more unimportant grunts, but at least the final showdowns of the story arc are in sight. Hyoka actually showed up, but she has definitely seen better days. Her "strangled-to-death" face was really creepy. It's unclear at this point how Touma is supposed to save Hyoka. We'll just have to see what sort of confusing fake-science knowledge Index can wring out of Mikoto to give Touma a solution regarding Hyoka, but Touma should probably focus on beating Vento up first. It turns out that Vento was coughing up blood because of Aleister's little plan, and this at least gives Vento some credibility back. Her energy balls still look weak though.
So next week Accelerator gets one more crack of Amata while Touma does whatever he has to do to stop Vento and save Hyoka. Also in the picture is Mikoto, but it feels like Mikoto was inserted into the situation just because she's Mikoto. All the strong opponents are taken, so I guess Mikoto will just blast some hapless Hound Dogs and provide info support to Index. Speaking of random appearances, there is Motoharu who finished dealing with the spikes. His part was not that closely connected to main story lines of the arc, but I suppose Motoharu deserves some screen time for the not-so-glorious work he does.
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