The first episode of Utawarerumono (whoever invented that name must come to Bavaria and try to say funny words like "Oachkatz'lschwoaf" which means tail of a squirrel ^^) left big impression on me. It was time for a good fantasy show after the disappointment of Izumo and after already watching two episodes I dare to say this will propably be one.
I was suprised by the nice opening, the character design (eruru is just too cute) and the interesting story, about a nameless man without memories who wears a mask he cannot take off. This looks promising, especially the character of Nuwangi caught my interest. He behaved like a spoilt little boy, but still he seems to like Eruru. I'm interesting wether he will come to senses in the further storyline or turns into a diabolic villain out of disappointment and sexual unfulfillment ^_~
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