Amagami SS Episode 2
Score: 1.5/5
Reivew: Junichi is feeling depressed after being rejected by Morishima. He could barely sleep, he goes to school looking like a mess, and decides to go take a nap in the nurses office. When he gets there he finds Morishima who acts like nothing at all happened between the two, saying that she's fine with them being just friends if it's okay with him. This renews Junichi's hope that he can eventually get her to like him.
Morishima seems to find great pleasure in jerking this poor guy's feelings around, and honestly it's really the only entertaining part of the show. I felt sorry for him after being so thoroughly rejected at the end of the first episode since Morishima had been making it seem like maybe she liked him too the entire time. The problem is even after being rejected like that he still insists on trying to find a way to get her to like him. If he isn't willing to move on when the girl is so clearly screwing with him then I really don't feel any sympathy for the guy, he's just being stupid.
Junichi's emotional state goes from depressed about being rejected, then happy that he's still able to talk to Morishima normally, and then depressed when she says she'd turn a guy down again if he confessed to her after being rejected, and finally elated when Morishima gives him permission to have feelings for her at the end of the episode. I'm going to repeat that, this limp-dick moron actually asks her for permission to like her. He isn't likeable in the least and even I'm starting to enjoy watching this fool get his emotions stomped on. It's especially amusing, though a bit creepy, when his sister gets jealous because he gets happy around Morishima and sprays him with water. The only thing making me want to continue watching this series is the hope that Junichi goes through even more emotional torture, since everything else about this show continues to be rather mundane.
I took mercy on the slow pacing for the first episode, just because it was the first, but things don't really get any better now. Unless you find the idea of watching a spineless teenage boy get emotionally abused entertaining then there really isn't that much for you in this series it would seem.
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