One night, Yasaka Mahiro finds himself under attack from a mysterious monster. In his moment of need, a silver-haired, green-eyed girl appears. Identifying herself as Nyarlathotep, a deity from the Cthulu Mythos, she claims to have come to protect him - however, she tricks Mahiro into leaving his home, goes shopping at anime shops, and in general mixes business with her personal affairs. Meanwhile, they are assaulted by another mysterious monster. Why do these monsters keep attacking Mahiro?
Greater Evil was never so cute... Nyarlathoep (or Nuarko, to her friends) has taken work with the Planetary Defence Agency, and has been sent to Earth to protect its greatest achievment - entertainment. Specifically, anime, manga and games. Go figure. Mahiro finds himself part of this bundle as well, after Nyarko fell in love with his profile before coming to Earth in the first place - and that turns out to be just as well, as the Bad Guys seem to be after him anyway. A few bloodily beaten demons later, and Nyarko's moved herself in, transferred into Mahiro's school, and is unashamedly thinking of how to get him into bed.
I'm fairly certain Lovecraft never had this in mind when he created Cthulhu Mythos.
That said, it's as funny as hell, and has nods and winks throughout to lots of fun stuff - from "I choose you!" when Nyarko summons up her pet to help her fight, to her explanation when Mahiro asks why she doesn't quite look how he'd expect a Mythos God to look ("I could take that form if you want, but it really wouldn't be good for your sanity points...").
THE GOOD: It's actually quite cleverly done, and a huge improvement in every way over the Flash shorts that the series started off as. Love its sense of humour. The way she happily guts enemies with a huge smile is somehow refreshing.
THE BAD: Humour is hugely subjective, so I wouldn't expect everyone to see it the same way I do. Messing with Mythos to quite this extent almost feel wrong - but screw it, I don't want to be right.
Nyarko-san is certainly the funniest show of the season, so far (and there's not much left to check out, so it's likely to stay that way). A definite keeper.
Nyarko-san - Another Crawling Chaos is streamed by Crunchyroll.
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