Of course, to talk about comic relief is difficult when there were hardly any interesting events on the second day, but at least there were like 3 highlights, though I missed the last one, where they did the Hare Hare Yukai dance from The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, which you can find a video of here. The other two highlights were the Bleach team's photoshoot, and a Caramelldansen dance. It seems like now, any major otaku-related event here cannot go without one of those dances at least.This is part 4 of my coverage, and here are the previous parts - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. For the coverage of day 1's highlights and cosplayers, go to this aggregate post. For my full day 2 coverage album, go here.Let us begin with Caramelldansen. I only managed to snap a few good photos, but otherwise, it was just a dance out on the lawn near the walkway towards the D'Marquee. Here are the shots I managed to capture. Just posting two for laughs, got two more in my album.In case you are wondering, yes that is the trap Konata. Somehow my camera auto-protected itself and I never got a clear shot of his face. Be thankful.Now, on to the Bleach team. They were doing a team photoshoot near the end of the event with some amusing poses. I initially did not feel like taking photos of them after the massive Bleach photo-spam (Day 1 Part 5), but well, some of their poses just had to be captured on camera. Also, the first few I took were of different cosplayers from the first day, or new ones. From left to right, the cosplayers are Kyouraku Shunsui (Hachi-buntai Taicho), Ukitake Jyuushiro (Juusan-buntai Taicho), Kusajishi Yachiru (Juuichi-buntai Fukutaicho), unidentifiable thanks to hair color (lol someone refresh me, I am no longer that hardcore a Bleachtard fan), and the same Ishida Uryuu from Day 1. In the picture at the top of this post, Urahara Kisuke was also inside. He is not in this shot for unknown reasons. All hail Aizen-sama. The three facing the camera are Ichimaru Gin, Aizen Sousuke, and Tousen Kaname. The various Espada and Arrancar are facing them, kneeling in respect. Theme of this photo - "Everyone kill someone!" Grimmjow was unanimously chosen.First half of two pictures since I could not back up at all thanks to the crowd. I seriously have no idea who the girl at the extreme left is supposed to be, no wait, that must be the shithole Inoue Orihime. Further on, we have all of the Espada except Octavia Espada Szayel Apporo (who is gay anyway) and Quinnto Espada Nnoitra. Diez Espada Yami, Nuvena Espada Aaroniro Alulueiro, Siete Espada Zommari Leroux, Sexta Espada Grimmjow Jaegarjaques... Grimmjow is crushing ex-Sexta Espada Luppi, then comes Cuatro Espada Ulquiorra Schiffer, and the last three are randomly put thanks to no one knowing their exact positioning. Rumored Uno Espada Stark, rumored Tres Espada Halibel, and rumored Dos Espada Avalon, from left to right in that order. Shot that now includes Halibel's Fraccion Apache, same one from day 1.I wanted to ask and itched for a shot of these two together, but it turns out someone did it for me and I quickly stepped in. My favorite Espada (the only female too in the Espada) Halibel, and my favorite Bleach cosplayer, her Fraccion Apache, from the team. This is <3I know, not a lot of hilarious shots, but I had bad shots of the whole thing, because they were against the sun, so the light was directly in our eyes. Someone complained about it too in the crowd. After that I just drifted off since I took so many of them already.Finally, we are closing in on the last part, the good cosplay of the day. Stay tuned for the final part!Caramelldansen & Bleach @ Cosfest Day 2,Panther
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