In the near future, a meteorite carrying a foreign virus crashes in Japan, leading to a devastating nation-wide infection and total anarchy. Several years later, Shu Ouma - a teen with a special ability awakened by the so-called Apocalypse Virus - meets a strange girl who incites him to join the struggle against a government organization's robotic forces and a secret society whose goal remains shrouded in mystery...
Strange disease: check; young boy infected by said strange thingy: check; strange girl keeping an eye on him; check. Oh, and rather good rock soundtrack: check. It all sounds a bit Deadman Wonderland, really, with the difference that Shu and Inori aren't prisoners (although you could ask some questions about the state that the Japan of the series has found itself in) and that Inori's group at least seems to have an aim ("free Japan") rather than the rather pointless fighting that was the Carnival of Corpses. But I liked Deadman Wonderland, despite all its flaws, so comparisons with it are a good thing. Guilty Crown seems to be based on a PC game that I've never heard of, and manages to tick a lot of boxes in the presentation department.
Story-side, though, is less impressive - mainly as Shu is a complete twat, the sort of "I'm hopeless / I can't to anything / I must get stronger" character that I've seen far too often, in far too many shows, and that I've come to absolutely loathe. That's a pretty big downside right there.
THE GOOD: Visually very nice, some great music, nice character designs, particularly on the girls. Interesting ideas, at least.
THE BAD: Shu, who is a one-boy vortex of suck. Not really doing anything with those interesting ideas yet.
Shu is a problem, and he'd better develop quickly. Enough other good stuff here to make it worthwhile sticking with for a while yet, though.
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