Hataraku Maou-Sama 05 - Saiyayin Maou - This was a good episode...Not exactly great, but good. We finally know why Maou acts as a good guy and clearly, Emilia is surprised. Maou experiences as a human gives him a new perspective of what is good about humans. It seems reasonable-ish. Anyway, what I am not clear about this episode is why Orba (Emilia´s ally) and Lucifer (Maou Minion) join forces in the first place. I must watch the episode again to see what I missed... What I found on this episode were some jokes during the battle. Some made me laugh, but unfortunately, I found some of the other jokes, annoying. You see, I was watching some kind of B-movie or something like that. They were not too serious during the battle. Also, Maou san found his power and used it to wipe out Lucifer and Orba. He even turned himself into a "saiyayin" level 2. Chiho knows the truth now and it seems She doesnt care. She loves Maou. Emilia on the other hand...She is not sure about Maou´s intentions anymore. Now, joke of the day...It is more important to be employee of the month in MgRonalds instead of conquering the world...Yeah right! Next episode, it seems there will be some fun on school. I cant hardly wait.Hataraku Maou-Sama 05 - Saiyayin Maou -Hataraku Maou-Sama 05 - Saiyayin Maou - This was a good episode...Not exactly great, but good. We finally know why Maou acts as a good guy and clearly, Emilia is surprised. Maou experiences as a human gives him a new perspective of what is good about humans. It seems reasonable-ish. Anyway, what I am not clear about this episode is why Orba (Emilia´s ally) and Lucifer (Maou Minion) join forces in the first place. I must watch the episode again to see what I missed... What I found on this episode were some jokes during the battle. Some made me laugh, but unfortunately, I found some of the other jokes, annoying. You see, I was watching some kind of B-movie or something like that. They were not too serious during the battle. Also, Maou san found his power and used it to wipe out Lucifer and Orba. He even turned himself into a "saiyayin" level 2. Chiho knows the truth now and it seems She doesnt care. She loves Maou. Emilia on the other hand...She is not sure about Maou´s intentions anymore. Now, joke of the day...It is more important to be employee of the month in MgRonalds instead of conquering the world...Yeah right! Next episode, it seems there will be some fun on school. I cant hardly wait.
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