It's getting harder and harder to be excited with this series lately, which is unfortunate since the first few series are so good. But now they're back to the usual pattern of having an innocent person getting the blame. While it makes a dark story, it doesn't make it as entertaining. I can only hope that this leads to an explanation about Kikuri whose action has been inconsistent to say the least. Last week she seems to behave nicely while this week she acts as if she is the one who's indirectly responsible for causing problem for one of the characters. And it's already episode 14 and yet they still haven't got any kind of arc. Last year, we're already into the Hajime/Tsugumi plot and gets to see Ai's past through the old man who's about to die. This season, however, there's not much known about Kikuri and despite the initial potential of seeing the helpers' past, they seem rather superficial (ie. Wanyuudou's past).
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