Oh yeah, my rage has not subsided. Far from it. In fact it just multiplied by >9000. I have been looking up and down for Ritsu nendo and actually found one but the seller want to take 150% profit from it. Ah fuck... RAGE!!!So they fucked up the number of nendo Ritsu just so when they release their nendo puchi for K-ON!, people like me, who wants Ritsu so badly would consider buying the set. Argh you fucking greedy evil people at GSC!You see that picture? That was my plan for the nendo. To have a complete set even though I couldn't stand most of them. But nooo.... they fucked up the production number of Ritsu and gave no fucking explanation what so ever to the customer. So now I only have four girls who I don't give a fuck about. What good will it do? It will just made me rage every time I saw them.So now the bastards are producing the nendo puchi for K-ON!, which was undoubtedly cute because Ritsu is in it. Gah! This mean I need to spend another couple of hundreds of dollars to buy this one.I want so bad to ignore this but...I want Ritsu :(So I'm going to be another one of their consumers that they fucked up but still spend money and made them richer. Looks like their marketing plan works -__-Oh by the way, the puchi is in the set of 12. Besides the school uniform, we'll also be getting them in a swim suit.Kaito and those boys from Death Note are going to be so happy. Arawn, however, will probably get them all ^^This reminds me. I need a bigger display case >_>
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