After the case with Suzumiya Haruhi anime becoming a clone of K-ON in terms of animation, another anime seems to get K-ONed. This time it is a TV series that is supposed to start broadcast in January, Sora no Woto (Sound of Sky). The promotional video has been available to watch on the internet for about a month, but in case that you haven't seen it yet, just like me until today, here it is.<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>Can you see the resemblance? I bet you can. Yui, Mio, Mugi, and Ritsu just have a different hairstyle. But apart from that, they are almost alike. Oh, yes, Mugi has also lost her daikon eyebrows. But that's all, really. So K-ON fans can see them in action once again. However, the setting is totally different, because they are leaving their instruments at home and they are going to take part in a war this time.AniDB:The story takes place in an imaginary town Seize (the model cities are Cuenca and Alarcón Fortress in Spain). A long war brings a gradual decline to the world. People disappear from the town and fishes cease to exist in the sea. In this quiet world, five girls guard a fortress and play brass vividly.The studio responsible for Sora no Woto is A-1 Pictures, who did for example Kannagi.After seeing Sora no Woto PV, I have been wondering if K-ONising will become a trend in anime industry. But I hope not. Although I liked K-ON!, I can't say that animation was its strong point. Therefore, I hope there will still be studios that will produce high-quality animation, such as that of Shaft, or that of KyoAni in past.btw. As you might have noticed, I have obtained the domain so you can reach my blog on this address from now on.
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