Quick Stats: Title: Kanamemo Studio: Feel.Genre: Slice-of-Life/ComedyAvailability: Simulcast on CrunchyrollRatings (of 5) Story: ♥♥½Animation: ♥♥½Characters: ♥♥♥½OP/ED Themes: ♥♥½Overall:♥♥♥ ONE-LINER: Pedo lesbian newspaper orgy!...but not. Thoughts:So, Kanamemo is the tale of a young girl named Kana-- an orphan living with her grandmother. Well, she was, until her grandmother died. When she saw men carrying out her grandmother's things, she freaked out and ran away, fearing for her own safety.Searching for a job and a safe place to stay, Kana finds both. Well, “safe” might be an exaggeration, but she stumbles upon a newspaper delivery office seeking help and offering both room and board. The employees are all women-- starting with the grade-school-age boss, moving on to the drunk college student, the ronin (a would-be college student who keeps failing her exams), a hyper young patissier-in-training, and...well, a character who's reminiscent of Azumanga Daioh's Sakaki, except in love the patissier.Did I mention that the drunk student keeps fondling her female coworkers/roommates? Yeah.Don't get too excited, though: the lesbian themes are not joined by massive amount of fanservice all in all. No panty shots, relatively few D-cups, and only one bath scene (so far). Just as well, as our lead is a mere lass of 13 and one of the secondary leads is in something like third grade. All in all, it looks like a cute show with some potential-- there are a few more similariites to Azumanga Daioh, in fact; the drunk college student is like a more easy-going Yukari-sensei, Kana has a couple of moments that remind me of Chiyo-chan (though Kana's considerably less intelligent), and the Sakaki-like character I mentioned earlier could actually be described as Sakaki and Kaorin's love-child, a combo of calmness and girl-crush.But the similarities don't last too long: the humor doesn't contain the surprising punch of Azumanga Daioh's, and the characters aren't as fresh, either. The animation is decent but nothing special, ditto the OP, although the ED is pretty good. For a summer fun-fest, you could do worse.
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