<img src=” http://scrumptious.animeblogger.net/images/Kaze_no_Stigma/11/Stigma_11_DF_03.jpg” border=”1” />
I should've had more screentime!! RAWR
I should’ve known that having the anime stay faithful to the novel in the early part of the arc is an OMEN of a forthcoming “omission disaster” TT___TT. Hence, not cutting much in the previous episodes has taken its toll in this rather more critical part of the arc, taking away much of the antics with Ayano, Kazuma, Ren, and the supposedly ‘romantic antics’ as well.
Prepare for some DEEP DEEP frying for this one, thanks to the people who handled the Ren arc x__x On a positive note, this means that almost nil will be cut off with the last episode of the arc (hopefully), because there’s only about 80+ pages to cover (including the epilogue at that), so we’ll most likely be able to see the Kazuma x Ayano ‘scene’ I’m most awaiting >3 (Don’t disappoint now, GONZO, or I’ll really bite you >E)
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