Studio: P.A Works Genre(s): Drama, Music, Comedy, School-Life, Slice-of-Life Episodes: 13 Notable Seiyuu: Noto Mamiko, Seto Asami, Ohara Sayaka, Tanaka Atsuko, Hamada Kenji OP: “Dreamer” by AiRI ED: “Shiokaze no Harmony” by Shirahamazaka High School Chorus Club Summary: Konatsu Miyamoto was rejected to sing with the other members of her chorus club by the teacher [...]
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Tari Tari
And here it comes, Hanasaku Iroha season 2. Okay not quite, but some people sure love sowing that argument. With PA Works in charge and Sekiguchi Kanami being responsible of the character designs, Tari Tari definitely has the superficial feeling … Continue reading →
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Tari Tari
Well star me kitten, a P.A. Works show that isn’t complete crap! After seeing several reviews of the first episode claiming that Tari Tari was basically Hanairo part two, I was quite surprised to find myself legitimately enjoying the first … Continue reading →
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Tari Tari
Well star me kitten, a P.A. Works show that isn’t complete crap! After seeing several reviews of the first episode claiming that Tari Tari was basically Hanairo part two, I was quite surprised to find myself legitimately enjoying the first … Continue reading →
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Tari Tari
From the dere-moe Project The dere-moe Project - An all-Filipino blog on Japanese Pop CultureOh P.A.Works, what happened to you? You already set the bar higher in the visual presentations department, and you came up with another Hanasaku Iroha? Okay, I’m a little bit wrong there. The quality of the visuals may be disturbingly similar to that disappointing P.A.Works-produced anime, but this one has a feel of promise that [...]The post First Impressions: Tari Tari appeared first on The dere-moe Project.
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Tari Tari
This episode introduces five high school students with disperate talents all working hard at something: Wakana is still getting acclimated to the school, while Wien has just returned after twleve years in Austria. Taichi is the sole member of the badminton club, Sawa rides horses and practices archery, and Konatsu, who is passionate about singing, [...]
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Well, this one might stick. Five characters creating a club is pretty standard, but creating a duplicate club to rival an existing club could be interesting (you know how much I like a good competition). This is opposed to the usual “revive a dead/dying club” scenario that you normally see. It looks pretty interesting. Just [...]
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Tari Tari
Chikorita157's Anime Blog
07/02/2012 10:46 PM UTCTari Tari – Episode 1 – When your Vice Principal Doesn’t Let you Sing, Start your Own Club! >>
It’s finally summer, thus we begin the anime of this season. First to air is of course Tari Tari. If you know some Japanese, “たり…たりする” usually lists activities. In English, it will translate out to be “do such things as x and y.” As you will expect, this show is about two male characters, three [...]
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P.A. Works isn’t the first studio to share a particular visual style across different series. After all, Shaft has been peddling the same look for years now, delighting some and annoying others. In other words, it doesn’t really bother me … Continue reading →
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Tari Tari
The Yuri Nation
07/02/2012 09:45 PM UTCTari Tari 1st impressions: Black Gekihara’s disappointment kills me with laughter >>
And so the journey into the show that many perceive as a Hanasaku clone begins. Being who I am, the fact it may be a clone doesn’t interest. What I care about is whether it’ll retain my attention. Let’s take … Continue reading →
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Tari Tari
The Cart Driver
07/02/2012 09:23 PM UTCTari Tari episode 1 – A drinking straw holds a thousand words (Scamp’s take) >>
Must not spend…entire post…comparing to….Hanasaku Iroha…oh fuck it, Hanasaku Iroha season 2 is here. Besides, it’s not like PA Works are making any effort to distinguish this from HanaIro. Even the character designs are basically the exact same. Except Tari Tari doesn’t have any curly hair so therefore is clearly the inferior anime. Also doesn’t [...]
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I won't lie, being a P.A. Works show, I was somewhat unwilling to be taken for a ride on yet another Hanasaku Iroha-esque show. The art is ultimately what drew me to watch it, and that OP sequence, though somewhat cheesy and unoriginal, somehow managed to pull me in as well. Hopefully I haven't made the wrong decision to continue watching.Read more »
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Tari Tari
Kicking off the summer anime season with “Tari Tari”, a new series I decided to watch based on its promotional video which made it look like the type of slice-of-life show that’s right up my alley. With a basic plot premise of five high school classmates coming together to form a new vocal club, “Tari [...]
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Tari Tari
It's always difficult to stay away from anything that P.A. Works produce - if nothing else, you know that it's going to be a visual feast, and most of their recent efforts have been pretty fun to boot. This brings us to Tari Tari, my first pick of this summer anime season.
The opening episode of this series wastes no time in giving us very brief introductions to its numerous characters - we
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I like that outfit arrangement. Sawa-chan is the best TariTari~~~ Sooooo… Tari Tari is basically P.A. Works mixing the three-girls-two-guys and light music club formulas together. Not that it’s bad per se, it’s all in the execution and we’ll have to see if P.A. Works will drop that ball on that. If it’s a one-cour [...]
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Going Commando on Anime
07/02/2012 02:03 PM UTCThe 1st First Summer 2012 Impressions: Chitose Get You!, Tari Tari, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse >>
A room filled with clothes all over the place. Strange liquids are on the floor. TROLLKASTEL is waking up on stage left, looking at the mess. Hair preferably messy. HOMERUN-CHAN is sleeping at downstage, barely clothed. She is blushing and drooling. COMMANDER OBVIOUS is smoking grass at center stage. RANCE is naked (again) at downstage [...]
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Tari Tari's first episode enters with visuals identical to Hanasaku Iroha, alongside a story similarly as simple - five highschoolers are basically set en route to experience a new beginning in their dull, generic lives.
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Tari Tari
So the new season started and I doubt there is a better place to start then with a anime with a school setting. There was this thing I watched with fairies earlier today but lets not talk about that. The first thing I noticed was that the animation and art style are top notch [...]
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So the new season started and I doubt there is a better place to start then with a anime with a school setting. There was this thing I watched with fairies earlier today but lets not talk about that. The first thing I noticed was that the animation and art style are top notch [...]
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