After 3 years of being pulled by a string by Kodokawa, a new episode of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya finally airs on SUN TV in Japan. It is titled and based off the "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody" arc.
As it aired, the blogosphere, 2ch, forum websites, twitter, and any other sites that talk about the show were soon consumed with tons of posts about this new episode. Many screenshots were taken, and RAWS distributed throughout the nets but no FanSubs yet. Many english natives are waiting for the subs while others watch the RAWS regardless if they know Japanese or not. I can say this much though, there is still a large haruhism fanbase even after 3 years of Kodokawa trolling.
For those that cannot wait for the subs to come out, the RAW is already out on Youtube which you can watch below. For the others that want to wait for the subs to come out, well you'll just have to wait for a FanSub group to get started on it.
Part 1:
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Part 2:
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Part 3:
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