OP Theme: 「PSI-missing」 by - AVI version
I apologize that there's little to no update on the blog lately. Unfortunately real-life gets in the way of blogging once again. I'm starting to feel guilty as well because I haven't finished/completed several series from previous season and I think I should go and finish those before I commit to other new series. But as I promised, I'll preview some of them and this is one that I managed to write so far. A gaijin loli nun is being hunted by mysterious organization and ends up hanging over a young boy's balcony. That pretty much sums up the first episode. And oh, the boy in question is being chased around by another girl who likes to electrocute him. Speaking of gaijin, how does an anime character tell if another character is Japanese or not. After all, they all have strange and exotic hair color (ranging from grey to dark red). Surely there's nothing about Index that is more gaijin than Mikoto apart from her name.
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