Thought some of you would enjoy a Toradora Cosplay Gallery- RAK's last cosplay gallery was one of the most viewed articles of the month it was posted, which featured elite Bleach cosplay.The majority of these pictures contain Taiga Aisaka cosplay, since Toradora cosplay is a bit rarer to find. Thanks to Google I was at least able to find these for you!-Might do a bigger gallery in the future- but hope you enjoy these for now!-Thought I'd mix things up a bit and start with Minorin! <3Ami KawashimaTaiga AisakaTaiga Aisaka and RyujiCongrats to the cosplayers in these pictures, hope to post some more Toradora cosplay pics in the future. <embed align="" allowscriptaccess="never" bgcolor="FFFFFF" height="900" name="poll8460686" pluginspage="" quality="high" salign="LT" scale="noscale" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400"></embed> If you want to delve deeper into Japanese sub-culture, you like seeing photos taken of conventions, cosplay, and sweet anime goods, and you can't resist the latest buzz from Japan- then you may want to check out the Events or Japan categories to begin, or gaze upon all recent articles. Not much time? Easily follow updates by subscribing to the Twitter Feed, RSS Feed, or join other readers at the official Run Around Kazu Facebook Page! Be a part of the Run Around Community! Join the forums here. Learn more about me and what I do here. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">FB.init("6d42167bb8ee608da3ee7acdeaf2f45a");</script><fb:fan connections="32" logobar="0" profile_id="284766454269" stream="0" width="920"></fb:fan>
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