Writes Anime Bento
Nickname: Kitty
Location: Malaysia
About: Anime Bento is just my little place for me to blog about anime and manga ... from a Malaysian perspective. Where is that, you're wondering? Malaysia is above Singapore, and it's about 8 hours away from Japan. I actually review manga and anime for a local publication ... but I try to keep a low profile and hope that Malaysian readers won't find my blog. Weird, eh?
Nickname: Kitty
Location: Malaysia
About: Anime Bento is just my little place for me to blog about anime and manga ... from a Malaysian perspective. Where is that, you're wondering? Malaysia is above Singapore, and it's about 8 hours away from Japan. I actually review manga and anime for a local publication ... but I try to keep a low profile and hope that Malaysian readers won't find my blog. Weird, eh?