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Saiunkoku is one of those shows with so many characters and names that it's easy to get confused. Wikipedia is useful, but I find that a table with little pics of the characters really helps.I've added pics of the voice actors. Hopefully, that will not confuse the issue. The number of older VAs is interesting. This is a big-time Saturday morning show on NHK and BS-2, so I guess they can afford the greater expense: my understanding is that older seiyuus always get paid more than younger ones, even young stars.I fell behind on this show and have only just caught up to episode 29, which was broadcast yesterday. I have to say that the events of the past few episodes have been very involving. This show is really moving ahead. And Shuurei remains one of the most wonderful characters I've seen, due in no small part to the great Kuwashima Houko, her voice actress.We'll get to the end of the first 39-episode season next spring -- and a new season will start in April. There are nine volumes of novels, so there's lots of material for Yoshida Reiko, the series designer, to work with. The anime and the novels both have good official sites.I have an earlier character page for this show, but I let it fall behind, and in any case I think the Wikipedia character page is doing a similar thing more reliably. I've made the current page as a handy guide to characters and seiyuus. So far, almost all the named characters up to episode 29 are covered, with spoilers up to episode 20. The most recent English sub is episode 22. For anyone who can read Japanese, the Japanese Wikipedia pages are outstanding.
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