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うわああああああああ嬉しいんです!本当に嬉しいんです!松徳学生達がマンレサ学校で出きたから!「ようこそ」って、「宜しくお願いします」って、「マンレサへ行ってくれるよかったんです」って。。。どうもありがとうございます、松徳の皆さん! …Extending my thanks to the Shotoku students who came to my school yesterday. And…I GOT NO CLASSES TODAY. WHEEEEE. Read another Minami Manga today: BITTER. awwwww. On to business, Durarara!! 1: I…didn’t get the idea. Seriously, I mean, I can follow the story, but something in the back of my mind is practically begging me to close the video. [...]
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