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It must be figure day because I saw an awful lot of spiffy figures stuff going down on my RSS feed-- but there were two (or, technically, five) that I wanted to share with you. The first four are the new set of Lucky Star figures-- and man, I wonder how long before they'll need some kind of second anime to promote their stuff, because they potentially have an infinite number of Lucky Star crossover figure sets they could do. This one is Lucky Star x Street Fighter, featuring (left to right) Tsukasa as Ken, Kagami as Ryu, Konata as Guile, and Miyuki as C. Viper. I'm a little disappointed that they didn't give Miyuki the pompadour, and that outfit looks awfully revealing for her character to not be all blushy, but damn if they aren't cute. And then there was this figure-- you may recognize her, because she's a re-release, but I will use any excuse possible to post this figure of Odin Sphere's Velvet, because it is some kinda gorgeous (even if I think her stomach is a little more sucked in than strictly necessary). At an SRP of ¥9800 (about $105 USD), I don't expect many of us to buy her, but man...I wish I could.       Yum.
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