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Perhaps the pace slows a bit this week, but the character development goes on, and we get deeper into the reality of the characters' being. Mugi's return to the cabin was not enough. Nono needs to know if Mugi really wants to be an actress. And we see that Katsuragi has some unsuspected feelings, and Kai some feelings we already knew about.The animation and design of this show seem simple, but the positions and movements of the characters really work. Mugi sitting on the sand, for instance, has an awkwardness that somehow makes her fresh and real.Summary begins after the first set of screencaps. In the aftermath of the evening's upsets, the group is sitting eating breakfast. Katsuragi asks Nono if she has anything to say. "No," she says. He excuses himself and goes off into the woods to shout and punch some trees. Then he comes back and asks again. "I already told you," replies Nono, who then turns and says it is up to Mugi: does she want to continue acting, or to quit and be the Mugi who can't do anything? Risaki throws her salad in Nono's face and storms off, saying that practice is impossible. Mugi apologizes to Nono, saying that it's her fault. Nono goes into the cabin, saying to everyone that practice times are unchanged, don't be late.Risaki builds a sand castle which the waves undermine. Katsuragi says she built it too close to the water. She says it's like human relations: if you aren't hard, you will surely cry. Mugi is off by the rocks trying to look at her script. Nono starts the practice right on time -- but all alone. She remembers when the club started, with Risaki, Katsuragi and Mirei (the present Drama Club head), and wishes that simple, optimistic time could have continued forever. Mirei seems to appear to her from the mirror, and she says to the image that she, with her talent, doesn't understand Nono at all. Then she throws herself on the floor, longing for Mirei. Kai can't help thinking of how warm Mugi's hand was the night before.... Mugi, sitting alone on the shore, wonders why Nono invited her into the club. It was the voice, she remembers, the voice she didn't know she had. And the fact that the club needed members to survive. Back at the cabin, Nono continues to practice alone. She is frustrated and thinks of Mirei telling her that together they can do things they couldn't do on their own. And she thinks of what Mirei taught her, and what she herself is teaching Mugi: But she is different from me, and I am different from you.Katsuragi looks at a shell and thinks it would be good if Nono were the kind of person that could be cheered up just by being given a shell. Risaki stands up and says: Let's go back. Mugi thinks: What if I did quit? It has been a mistake from the beginning. Then she thinks of Nono saying what a good thing it was she had joined. Then of Nono saying that although she was different from Mugi, she wasn't really cut out for acting at first, but that someone reached a hand out to her, and she learned, and how happy that made her. Mugi stands up, realizing that she has been a fool and has wounded Nono's feelings.Mugi rushes back to the cabin and comes in to apologize. Nono stands up and asks her if she's ready to go home. Mugi says she doesn't know, and goes on to apologize for saying terrible things to Nono. Nono apologizes in return. Mugi is hemming and hawing and Nono says: Have you decided you want to act? Mugi replies that although she doesn't have the confidence.... Nono says: If you believe you can change, then you can. Mugi composes herself and says: Yes. Mugi asks Nono if she loves acting. Nono replies that she thinks it is everything to her. Mugi: Can I change, to be like you? Nono nods. They begin practice. Risaki, Kai, and Katsuragi are amazed, peeking in from outside. Risaki wonders how Mugi could come back, after the horrible things Mugi said. Katsuragi says that she sees Nono can show her a new world, of confidence in herself. They are arguing outside and Nono comes to the window to tell them to be quiet and come in to practice, like Mugi. Risaki leads them in through the window. As Nono concentrates on Mugi, who is still very hesitant in the way she delivers her lines, she orders the others to memorize their entire scripts.Later, in the bath, Mugi comments that she didn't realize there was an outdoor bath. She then very haltingly asks Nono if she would like her to wash her back. As she is doing it, she thinks how beautiful Nono's back is. Risaki pokes her head in to say that she will do Mugi's.Mugi and Kai are outside looking at the stars. Mugi says how pretty the Milky Way is. She says she's happy she came back, and thanks Kai for helping her. Katsuragi thinks how great it is for Kai, and looks at the shell he picked up earlier, and glances at Nono. Risaki shows up with fireworks and when Nono says she's not interested, grabs her, pours a drink down her throat and starts the festivities. Nono, drunk, chases Risaki and Katsuragi around with a Roman candle. Mugi and Kai light senko hanabi (like sparklers) together. Nono returns and collapses on Mugi's lap.Back at school, Chitose is yearning for Katsuragi's return. She spies Mugi and Kai and rushes down to them. Kayo takes a picture of Mugi and Kai and says Mugi looks different. She says with a meaningful tone: Did anything happen on the trip? Both Mugi and Kai deny it, and Kayo asks why Kai is getting upset. She puts two and two together: Ah! Did you two...?Chitose comes up and asks if Katsuragi said anything about her on the trip. Mugi hesitates, then says he said she was cute . Chitose is overjoyed. Mugi thinks: "I lied. What should I do?" At the end, Mugi's voiceover says: "School life hadn't changed, but I felt more solid."
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