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Konami plans to release a new online game, which involves buying yourself a figurine, called Busou Shinki. Taken from Anime Nation,"Konami has revealed its new "online game" Busou Shinki. The "game," scheduled to debut on September 7th consists of an action figure retailing at 3,675 yen. The figure can be connected to a free online server that allows complete customization of the figure. The server will eventually offer exclusive digital accessories for sale to customize online figures, and a fighting game for customized figures will be implemented next year. The first two figures released will be the Angel Type MMS Anvale and Devil Type MMS Straffe."Cute.Hmm, are we supposed to get the figure and plug it into our PCs or something? Sounds intriguing. This sort of gimmick will probably be a big hit in Japan, with loads of people clamouring to customize their figures etc. Digital accessories? Err, how's that go on to my 3675 Yen figure?The figures look like Konami's Figuremate in Robotech armour. =) Sleek webpage though.More pictures and info (in jap.) here , and here. Oh, and HLJ has pretty clear images of each figure.>>> ToyzlogTags: PVC Figures, Figurines, Toys, Anime, Anime Toys, Japanese Toys, Konami, Busou Shinki, Tenjou
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