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His name is Itou Makoto. His birthday is on 16 October. He is the main male character of School Days. Remember his name. The name has become a symbol of empty promises, dishonesty and disloyalty, as well as the end-results of it.zzz, really. (i'm sarcastic here, mind you. i played too much Maplestory recently -__-)Oh and, not forgetting the 'nice boat' meme. There you go. It's all over the internet. Calling the series "School Days" gives me the creeps. It's main theme has nothing to do with school days but rather Makoto's sexual tryst with the girls (as far as I can see). The only time when the school was used as the background was during the school festival. If that's the case, then why not name School Days "The Melancholy of Makoto Itou" and in exchange, call The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya "School Days" instead? That would make more sense, because even the school festival in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya seemed simple yet more fulfilling as a school festival with Kyon's walkthrough of the stalls set up by the classes and the mini concert show, despite not having a campfire like school days.Everybody was busy preparing and discussing about the school festival. School festivals should have the happy feeling in it, but what we've seen in the whole series is that somewhat, the event has become the fuse of the "bomb" that would eventually explode. In front, it looked as if the planing was going on smoothly, and everybody worked together to create the best result. But like I said, what was happening behind was the ugliest things that could ever happen.It all started around episode 6 and the climax is at around episode 10 or so. Makoto was doing it with Sekai at the roof of the school (wait a sec, I thought that the school had given her the keys to the roof because she wanted to reform the Astronomy club?) thinking that Kotonoha was still busy doing her paperworks on her class's school festival proposal - only that Kotonoha had managed to finish her work and wanted to join them for lunch. She found out about them but kept quiet, believing that she's Makoto's girlfriend.This is for you, Makoto!School festival's around the corner while Makoto continues to flirt with Sekai, leaving Kotonoha who's always busy with work, alone. Even on the day of the school festival, Makoto spent a lot of time with Sekai while Kotonoha was forced to look after her class's stall, the lounge, as she was the only committee member representing their class. Little did she knew that her stall was a dark room with a bed.Does dancing by the campfire make your relationship last? I doubt so.Accordingly, it was a tradition of their school to have a girl to confess to the guy she likes by gripping a piece of paper in her fist and show it to the guy. If the guy accepts the girl, he'll take the paper from her hand. Then they'll come together in the lounge and have sex. And then if the couple would dance together in the campfire at night, their relationship would last for a year.zzz.Makoto received a confession from Otome, a girl from his Junior High school and without even a thought of the other girls he has, he accepted her. They had sex in the lounge. Coincidentally, Kotonoha had gone out to look for him, so she did not caught him having an affair with Otome."This would be a memory only for me."Then again at night Makoto had left behind to help out in the cleaning. Kotonoha caught Setsuna kissing Makoto who was asleep due to fatigue. Setsuna tried to explain that she only wanted a memory for herself because she'll be leaving for France a day after the school festival but Kotonoha couldn't accept her explanation.After the school festival, Makoto officially broke up with Kotonoha after Setsuna kissed him in from of her another time. Kotonoha enters mental-breakdown mode.Sekai seeing Otome and Makoto doing it in the lounge. Nanami invites Setsuna and Sekai to a preview of the girl's Basketball Club but Setsuna refuses as she wouldn't be around. However, the preview turns out to be a scandal - they were screening a video which was shot in the lounge during the school festival. Everyone having sex was exposed, including Otome and Makoto. Sekai was devastated to see it."I'll do anything..."Setsuna, before going onboard the plane to France, paid a visit to Makoto's house and had sex with him, telling him to promise her to look after Sekai.After Setsuna left for France, Makoto didn't kept his promise and broke up with Sekai. Sekai started skipping school and found out that her period hadn't been coming - she was pregnant. Makoto refuses to take responsibility and continue flirting with other girls. During Christmas eve, nobody wanted to go out with Makoto as the news about him causing Sekai to be pregnant had been spread out like a wild fire. In the end, he saw Kotonoha waiting for him under a big Christmas tree and started to go out with her again.Sekai became furious as she found out that he had been going out with Kotonoha again.Kotonoha told Sekai about Setsuna's kiss during the school festival. Sekai was crushed. zzz. Here's the bloody part.The blood is black in colour. zzz.Sekai killed him with a knife. Blood was flowing non stop from Makoto as Sekai left. "You fail, Sekai. My turn to kill you."Kotonoha was shocked so badly she chopped Makoto into pieces and had stuffed him into a sports bag. She then lured Sekai to the rooftop of the school and killed her as well."Finally we're together, alone." said Kotonoha, hugging on Makoto's severed head on her yatch. Or should I say, "nice boat"? There's only one final result for someone like Makoto - death. Serves him right for being disloyal towards the girls. I've learned a good lesson. Have you? P.S. R.I.P, Sekai! You will always be remembered! ✌
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