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This is really really good. I only watched the first two episodes but that was enough to seal the deal. This show oozes with quality as many anime bloggers like to say. 1) Excellent Character designs: Check. I love their realistic approach. 2) Fluid animation: Check. The attention to detail is obvious. 3) Great lively music: Check. I love the opening. It also works just fine as an ending (like in episode 1). The real ending isn’t anything special but it’s clay animation so I can’t really complain. The tradition must continue (^_^) 4) Great characters: Check. I like all the good guys. Mister is a very interesting character and his big grin is the best one ever. Franca is just my kind of girl; a strong determined girl with a tragic past who isn’t spoiled in any way. Her voice is normal and not squeaky at all which is a plus. Oh, and did I mention that she is beautiful? Chelsea is just so much fun to watch. It’s like she is a little girl with an adult’s body. How did she get a job with the police anyway when she doesn’t seem suitable for that kind of work?! Angelica is Mister’s true rival with enough mental and even physical ability to match that of Mister. The confrontation between those two will lead to some great drama. I also foresee that they will cooperate with each other at some point when their interests coincide (probably near the end). I hate…no, I loath the Marciano Sisters and I hope to see them end in the junkyard soon (for good this time). Still, a show that managed to make me hate the bad guys so much must be a show worth watching. 5) Excellent engaging story: Check. The story is mix of action, drama, light comedy and some mystery (the nature of the treasure). The perfect adventure story. The fact that I was hooked from episode one is also a good indication. If ufotable can keep this up and come up with a good ending then this is set to be one of the finest shows this season and the best show the company has created so far. It seems our president is now famous. He even appears in anime billboards. The scene from the opening shown below reminds me of the Gundam Seed openings. The scenes with the air stewardess were helarious. You see all types on this job (^_^;;) Oh, and I love the look on April’s face whenever her attempts to capture Mister fail.
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