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So Count Druitt turns out not the killer we are all looking for. So who is it then? That is the question the team pondered over a game of chess. Madame Red was concerned about her nephew Ciel and tried to persuade him to live a normal happy life, instead of focusing on revenge for his parents' deaths. Of course Ciel stood to his ground firmly (atta boy! ^^). Meanwhile, Jack the Ripper was preparing to kill another one of his victims.Preparing for bed and still pondering on the possible criminal, Ciel questioned Sebastian on the list of suspect. Sebastian assured him that nobody could possibly be the killer except Count Druitt but he was already taken care of. That's when our butler insinuated that the killer might not be human. *excited* Are we gonna have a new character introduction? Another demon? So the two of them went off into the night to linger around in a dark alley where the killer most probably will appear next.Suddenly a piercing scream filled the air. Both of them immediately ran towards the source of the sound. Ciel reached first and quickly threw the door open to be splattered with blood (just one speck on the cheek, don't get too excited). Sebastian reached and covered the boy's eyes, pulling him back further away from the crime scene. From inside the room, out steps Greil soaked in blood from head to toe. Greil might have been a total dimwit before, but he transformed into a totally cool-looking guy with the blood red hair and a cheeky grin. Awesomeness! Ah, but he's gay. And still totally in love with Sebastian. O_oAt this moment, Madame Red made her appearance as a villain as well (yeah, did you think Greil was working alone?). After a long talk, Ciel ordered Sebastian to kill off the two criminals who was the cause of the Queen's troubles. There's a super cool fight scene between the new Greil and Sebastian, and it seemed like Sebastian was losing to Greil's Grim Reaper Scythe. Urm, chainsaw. @_@" But Sebastian was not to be so easily defeated. He even sacrificed an arm to save the little master who was facing danger from Madame Red herself.Ciel stopped Sebastian from laying a finger on Madame Red. In the end, she was unable to take the life of her own bloodline. Suddenly, Greil went on and killed her! He's no longer interested with her as she was not as evil as he thought. Although Greil decided to spare the lives of Ciel and Sebastian, Ciel was not about to let him go. He reminded Sebastian that his orders remained the same and Sebastian went on a rampage. Me thinks he actually have a soft spot for our little master. Getting attached, hmmm? Anyway, that ends our episode. But good news, more fight between the two butlers in the next episode! *rubs hands*
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