Title: SUTORAIKUanime
Writer(s): akinari-kun
URL: http://www.sutoraikuanime.com
Feed: http://www.sutoraikuanime.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
Indexed since: April 6, 2012
Description: Vancouver's anime and Japanese pop culture media outlet, bringing the latest anime reviews, the best cosplays, and anime convention coverage in the Northwest. We keep you up-to-date with the best of Japan. We are バンクーバー ✖ 東京 STYLE. Satisfy the Japan in you.
Writer(s): akinari-kun
URL: http://www.sutoraikuanime.com
Feed: http://www.sutoraikuanime.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
Indexed since: April 6, 2012
Description: Vancouver's anime and Japanese pop culture media outlet, bringing the latest anime reviews, the best cosplays, and anime convention coverage in the Northwest. We keep you up-to-date with the best of Japan. We are バンクーバー ✖ 東京 STYLE. Satisfy the Japan in you.