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Wave announced today the addition of two PVC figures to their recently formed Dreamtech lineup: a 1/8 scale "neko-nyan dance" version Choko from Chokotto Sister and a 1/6 scale bikini version Tama-nee from To Heart 2, both due out in September. The Tama-nee sculpt is by Maeda Toshiki of Works Sapporo, with Choko sculpting duty by Arakawa Hiroshi (Amiami search). Not the most exceptional sculpting talent, though not the worst either; the seemingly removable dress on Choko and the hair sculpt and recumbent pose on Tama-nee seem to be the charm points of the respective kits, certainly enough for fans of the characters to justify purchase but perhaps not for the casual consumer. Here's hoping that Dreamtech moves more toward the example of their July release Lucy Maria Misora in the future... (no more)
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